by vpd-admin | Aug 31, 2018 | Breastfeeding, Women of Color
Many women may ask, “Why do we need a Black Breastfeeding Week? Isn’t it enough to be celebrating Breastfeeding Month in August?” The simple answer is, no. It is not enough. Women of Color face unique challenges and hardships when it comes to...
by vpd-admin | Aug 31, 2018 | Birth Plans
K.I.S.S.The K.I.S.S. method is always the way to go when formulating your birth plan. Keeping things clear and simple helps your providers work with you in the delivery room. Complicated or convoluted birth plans generally end up in the trash bin. Nurses, doctors, and...
by vpd-admin | Aug 31, 2018 | Postpartum
We all know the scene; a room full of women – some young, some old – gathered in celebration over the new life that is growing in the mother-to-be’s bulging belly. There are normally soft pastel decorations, and cake, and lots of talk of babies and...
by vpd-admin | Aug 31, 2018 | Postpartum, PTSD
Its amazing how PTSD can change your Postpartum experience. But, it’s something that is finally becoming more openly talked about. I was sitting across from a mom, talking with her about all of her fears. She had some serious concerns because a previous breastfeeding...
by vpd-admin | Aug 13, 2018 | Dads, Doulas, Partners
What is it that the doula do? Simply put a birth doula is professional labor coach. A doula attends the mother during her labor and delivery, offering emotional and physical support. She has specialized training and experience with the entire labor and delivery...
by vpd-admin | Jul 26, 2018 | Doulas
1. Ask us where WE would want to deliver. Doulas are placed in a unique position in the birth world. We often get to stand silent witness as different obstetricians, nurses, hospitals, and yes even midwives question (or worse, flat out ignore) a mother’s choices...
by vpd-admin | Apr 29, 2017 | Consultations
Congratulations! You are expecting a baby! Now that you are deep into researching everything from maternity pillows to car seats you have someway or another, come across the option of hiring a doula. As you begin your search for a local doula, if you are in Hampton...
by vpd-admin | Feb 12, 2017 | Chiropractor
Pregnancy sometimes comes with aches and pains. Wouldn’t it be great if there were a natural method of reducing some of these pains? There is!! Chiropractic care in pregnancy can help keep your body balanced and your ligaments loose. Chiropractic care allows optimal...
by vpd-admin | Jan 12, 2017 | Dads, Partners
It is often said that birth is all about the laboring woman and baby. There is so much truth to this statement; however, what about dad? In past decades, and even currently, dads have been portrayed in the birth scene as anxious men who are unsure of their roll. Truth...
by vpd-admin | Nov 8, 2016 | New Parenting, Postpartum
By Jennifer Votrain The holiday season is a perfect time to remember the things we are thankful for and give thanks to the people we cherish. For new parents, the topic of thankfulness can become an entirely new and completely basic idea. Overwhelming feelings of love...
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